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រង្វាន់ពីសាលាក្រុង ចំពោះអ្នកចូលរួមប្រកួតក្នុងកម្មវិធី‹‹ពន្លឺក្នុងទីក្រុង›› awards from the contests of the City of Lights event at City Hall.

លោកអភិបាលក្រុងឡូវែល អេដវឺដ កេណ្ណីឌី បានផ្តល់រង្វាន់ដល់ជ័យលាភី ដែលបានចូលរួមប្រឡងប្រជែង‹‹ពន្លឺក្នុងទីក្រុង››រៀបចំដោយសាលាក្រុងឡូវែល កាលពីថ្ងៃទី២៨ធ្នូកន្លងទៅ នៅសាលាក្រុងឡូវែល។

Happy New Year!

Mayor Kennedy recently presented the awards from the contests of the City of Lights event at City Hall.
Photo #6: Mayor Kennedy with Sarah Quigley, representing The Social Pup, the 2nd place winner of the Window Decorating Contest.
Photo #9: Mayor Kennedy with Sith Prak, representing Allura Salon, the 1st place winner of the Window Decorating Contest.
Photo #13: In the Parade Float Contest, the City Manager’s Community Award went to Girl Scout Troop 60877. City Manager Murphy pictured with Hollie Doole, Molly Kenneway and Jasmin Foley
Photo #15: In the Parade Float Contest, the Mayor’s Award-Best of Parade went to the Lowell High School Fine Arts Dept. With some of the students and Becky Bussiere from Lowell High School. Also joining Mayor Kennedy is Henri Marchand.
Photo #18: In the Parade Float Contest, Best Use of Theme went to Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union. Pictured L-R: Henri Marchand, Laura Conte, Misael Garcia and Mayor Kennedy.
Photo #21: In the Parade Float Contest, Most Festive went to Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts-Troop 7. Pictured L-R: Councilor William Samaras, Henri Marchand, Councilor Rita Mercier, Zach B., Jake H., Josh B. and Mayor Kennedy.

Celine Gettings | Mayor’s Aide
Office of the City Mayor
The City of Lowell
City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor | Lowell, MA 01852
t: 978.674-1551 | f: 978-446-7028

LOWELL  Alive. Unique. Inspiring.










